Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lobato Demi//forever you.


Okay, lets start this.
I love Demi!
It's such a great role model for anyone, especially the children who have difficulty in finding out who they are, and where they fit in the world. I put a lot of work into it and I sadisvid with how it turned out. Really this song fits Demi. It has been a lot, and have dominated her life. It's so amazing, and I hope one day could be like. It's beautiful, funny, and good at acting, singing, and it's so mature for her age to know when to draw the line and turn their lives around. If this is Demi read this, thank you for changing my life.
Song//Black Star laveng Avril
Sections//Anatomy ABC Bellflower, and camp rock band 1 and 2, Demi smoking in business, live chat, video thank you Demi Demi
Photos//Google images
If you can get some how Demi to see this, you will die! Thanks for watching!